KachiGhaani.com takes great pride in our products.
In the event of an incorrect order being delivered please send across a picture of the parcel to us on WhatsApp or Email and we will initiate another order which will reach you within 5 working days. If a Refund is required it will be processed in the same manner.
In the event of a product being damaged which is highly unlikely, please take a photograph of the same and send it us within 24 hours of the package being received, to care@kachighaani.com with the Subject – ‘Damaged Package’. We will send across a replacement parcel the next day which should reach you within the next 5 days. If a Refund is required it will be processed in the same manner.
In case a parcel is lost in transit or was returned due to the issue from the logistics side, a return parcel will be sent within a day of update of status (Return or lost) on the logistics tracking website. This new parcel should reach you within a week. If a Refund is required it will be processed in the same manner.